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Modeling guidelines: quasi-static analysis

Modeling Guideline Static Analysis

Incomplete relations are not permitted. Thus, each relation must contain exactly one instance of each permitted role for the type of relation.Structure of relations

Modeling Guideline Static Analysis

The model must be coherent. Each component must be (indirectly) connected to the gear_unit via the network of relations. In particular, components that do not appear in any relation are not permitted.Structure of relations

Modeling Guideline Static Analysis

Exactly one gear_unit component is required per model.

Modeling Guideline Static Analysis

Each shaft must have at least one shaft section.

Modeling Guideline Static Analysis

Two gears must be assigned to each gear stage.

Each gear must be part of at least one stage.

Modeling Guideline Static Analysis

A planet carrier must have at least a carrier shaft and a side plate.

Modeling Guideline Static Analysis

Even if the bearing rings and their contact with the mounting parts (shaft, casing, etc.) are modeled, the bearing must be connected to these components via a side relation, as usual.